Terry's Love for Motorbikes
Terry’s connection to riding motorbikes started when he was a child and his father brought home a second-hand scrambler from somewhere. Frank Bradley rode motorbikes, and it was just a natural progression that his sons would as well.
Right from the start it was something Terry took to and loved. He rode scramblers at the start and would explore the hills and rough ground around Carryduff before he was old enough to take his 125cc on the road.
As he got older, his bikes evolved from a cheap mode of transport into a kind of escapism.

Today, Terry still finds that driving calms him and gives him a level of solitude that steadies his nerves. He finds a similar type of feeling when he is out on the motorbike but maybe even more so.
The concentration required is different from driving. He finds he must be hyper aware of his surroundings and other road users, and this all requires his full attention and means his mind is distracted in a way that other people might find if they are running or exercising.
Terry now relies on his motorbike to lift his spirits and calm his nerves. He also has observed many men around him that do a similar thing.
Solitary men can often be united and find a common ground when they have a motorbike in front of them to compare notes about and bond over.
The Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride is a great example of this. A yearly event held on the same day across the world, it offers men (and women) the opportunity to come together, dress up, and show their love for motorbikes. Terry has long thought of opening a motorbike café. A place where riders can come together to chat, hang out, and make friends, with no pressure to be anything else or to try to impress.