Mental Health Awareness
Terry Bradley has long been open about his own mental health struggles and believes that talking openly and publicly about this has helped him both accept this part of his life and deal with it on a daily basis.
Terry has found drawing and painting is a form of therapy for him and he is able to lose himself in the emotion of a painting to express his feelings and deal with his emotional ups and downs.
During his day, Terry has learned to embrace the phrase ‘Never Give Up’ and this has developed from his personal mantra into a message that he has chosen to recreate into a free wristband that is now available online and from both his Belfast and Bangor galleries.

Never Give Up
The 'Never Give Up' wristbands are a way of supporting those who struggle with their mental health.
They can be worn as our own reminder for another chance to start again tomorrow and as a symbol of support and solidarity for family and friends who are struggling.
Throughout his career Terry has advocated the motto ‘Never Give Up’, which now exists as the basis of his brand. This simple phrase, although understated is something that has driven Terry to continue to create.
Like anyone, he has always had doubts about his abilities and with every bad day can be made to feel unworthy of his success. However, Terry has never let this turn him away from doing something he is so passionate about.
"No matter how frustrated you get with a piece of artwork created or lack belief in yourself, you keep going". Terry often finds that if he is having a bad day he will just start again tomorrow. He is constantly changing his art, painting over it again and again until it comes together. His advice is to remind yourself that you can put the brush down and simply try again tomorrow, and trust that eventually you will get it right.