Giving young artists opportunities like this has always been Terry’s goal of the art prize. Opening up the creative scene in Belfast and getting Irish art out there, especially from young artists, is the backbone of this competition.
As part of the Bradley Art Prize, we put on an exhibition of the winners and runners-up work in the Northern Ireland Executive office in Brussels. Last year not only were the majority of pieces purchased, but Sophie Hewitt was also approached by Raymond, who works at the office, and was commissioned to draw a portrait of his father.

"It sort of made me think maybe I do have a chance of doing this. Before I always just saw it as a hobby and I almost didn't do A-level Art, but this has made me keep trying."
All of us here at Terry Bradley Art are very proud of you @sophiehewitt_art and what you were able to achieve through entering. We look forward to seeing your creative career continue to flourish!
If you or someone you know would like to enter the 2024/25 competition, click here to find out more. You never know what you might achieve!